
Friday, May 30, 2014

It started out as a great hike, then....

We set out to hike to Twin Lakes in the Kaiser Wilderness right behind Huntington Lake.  We got a tip for a shortcut from the guy at the store where we bought a few fishing weights for Lynnae.  We found the trailhead up at about 9,100 feet on Kaiser Pass and headed out.  All went well until we got to the meadow and took what we thought was the trail over Potter Pass.  Well, pretty soon the trail started heading off in the wrong direction and down the wrong side of Kaiser Peak.  We took off cross-country using my phone as a GPS and were traversing the high ridge (with great views) when we stopped to have a snack and take pictures of some wildflowers.  I had been checking my phone periodically to make sure it was tracking our path, but this time when I went to check it, it was gone!  We spent a hectic half hour or so trying find it, going back to a few stops and trying to reach my security app on Lynnae's phone to locate it.  Nothing.  We finally gave up and decided to head back before we got ourselves lost too (since my phone was our only map).  So we never found the lake and I lost my almost new phone.  But it's only stuff and we had a nice hike in a beautiful place.

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