
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Back into the Trinity Alps Wilderness

We rode out a day of drizzle and clouds by doing some projects around the house, then when the next day promised to be nice, planned another hike into the mountains.  This time the goal was Little Boulder Lake, which was described by local guides as an easy 2 miles each way to a pretty lake in the peaks.  What they DIDN'T say was that to get to the trail head, it was an 11 mile, 3,000 vertical foot drive up a skinny one-lane dirt road! The fact that there was no cell service at all, no other cars in sight the whole trip and some of the road had vertical drop offs of hundreds of feet on one side or the other just added to the tension.

Anyway, we survived the drive in and hiked through beautiful and fragrant evergreens to Little Boulder Lake and ate our lunch and hung around for an hour or so.  The hike down was quick and we were rewarded by a view of Mt. Shasta (snow-less at 14,000 feet this year, unheard of).  Nine miles into the bouncy drive back down the dirt road, we came face-to-face with a semi truck pulling a HUGE tractor on a wide-load trailer heading up to the logging areas.  We (that is, Lynnae) had to back the truck uphill for about 1/2 mile until we found room to pull off the road and let that baby pass. We were glad when we got back to pavement, but also thankful that these logging roads allowed us to penetrate 13 miles into the very rugged and steep wilderness out here without being Sherpas or marathoners.

Tucker got to swim and fetch a stick for a while.  He doesn't mind the cold.
This picture shows how clear and green the water is in the lake

There was an established campsite by the lake with a stone fire ring and this "throne" 
I had to try the seat of honor and it was comfortable!
Mt. Shasta 14,180 feet (second highest in CA) about 80 miles away

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