
About Us

Travels with Tucker chronicles the adventures of Denis, Lynnae and Tucker on the road in America. Denis, formerly a sales manager in the technical software space, and Lynnae, formerly a Yoga teacher and full-time mom, are both retired. Tucker has always been, and still is, a dog.

In 2013, after trying out the RV lifestyle for two winters while we still had a home in Plymouth, Massachussetts, we decided to go on the road full time. We sold or gave away much of our "stuff" and put the rest in storage. We sold our lovely townhouse on Clam Pudding Pond and left our good friends and neighbors for parts known and unknown.

We left home on October 6, 2013 and spent that fall working our way from Nova Scotia to southern California, with memorable stops along the way. 2014 was our year to explore California from end-to-end. We set out in 2015 to really get to know the wild areas of Arizona, Utah and Colorado. In 2016 we focused on Oregon and Washington, culminating in a two-month trek down the entire length of the Oregon coast (nearly 400 miles as the crow flies).  All the highlight locations we visited are detailed in the 2013 - 2016 map pages on this blog.

Now focused on photography, exploring and living the good life in remote corners of the country, we feel very blessed to be living this dream.  We always welcome well-behaved visitors.

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